This is a very unique sterling silver, antique pin. It is surpassed in worth only by the magic that it holds, which you will receive when using the piece! Read below for the juicy details of what this piece can do for you!
There is not much to say about where this piece has come from. We received the piece at the Underground Auction. Prior to that, we are not sure where the piece was located. We only know one thing for sure. The entity that has been trapped inside of this piece is known as the Zodiac Dancer. Nobody really knows where he comes from other than the fact that he was born out of energies that come from the Zodiac.
He is called the Zodiac Dancer for the simple fact that he rather enjoys dancing. We have out theories that his "dancing" has something to do with the orbits of the Zodiacs that he was born from, given the fact that there are energies of all 12 Zodiacs within in him. The scary thing is that his dancing is rather contagious. To those that he shows himself to his dancing can be somewhat of a mania-causing episode.
This happened several times throughout history, most famously in Strasburg in the 1500s. A woman named Frau Troffea was smitten with a fit a dancing and danced for six days straight before her mania finally ended. Her maniacal fit was seemingly contagious when 30 some people followed her pattern of excessive dancing. Thirty turned into 0ver 400. People dances for days or weeks on end causing death by exhaustion, heart attack, and stroke.
What is it that caused all the dancing? It was the dancing of the Zodiac Dancer and the bestowal of his knowledge. The knowledge that he holds is nearly too much for the human mind to tolerate under normal circumstances. The Frau had received a magical piece that allowed her to summon the Zodiac Dancer, not knowing what the outcome would be.
The outcome was a maniacal episode due to the overload of her "mental circuits." In her fit of mania, she felt like the only way she could recover was through dance. In her crazed stupor, she literally danced like there was no tomorrow. People flocked to see her dancing in the street to no music. In turn, they caught her mania subliminally. Soon the whole town of Strasburg turned into a bunch of maniacally dancing fools. A total of 15 people would literally dance themselves to death in the wake of the Frau's dancing mania.
What is noted, because it was kept a private matter, was the enlightenment that was undergone by Frau Troffea and others in the area. Following the mass hysteria was a sort of Mass Enlightenment. People began waking up with random psychic abilities. Some of them were able to draw in the power of the Cosmos. Others were able to astral travel to different realms. Some were able to heal completely. Others were scared to find that they could leave their bodies and travel throughout time with a single thought.
We've told you many times about celestial doors and the magic that can be acquired by opening them. When Frau Troffea contacted the Zodiac Dancer, she sort of opened all 12 Celestial doors at once. The small town of Strasburg received an outpouring of very strong, powerful celestial magic. This caused the mania within the minds of the Frau and others, but for those who survived the side effects of the mania were amazing. They received mass enlightenment of hundreds of abilities that were brought to them through the opening of the Celestial Doors, also called Celestial Gates.
I'm not sure what Frau Troffea's original magical piece consisted of. I'm positive this one, wasn't it. Somewhere along the line, the magic from her original piece was transferred into this piece. Again, I'm not sure about the details. What I know is that this piece summons forth the Zodiac Dancer. However, it summons him forth in a very productive way. You will not experience mania at all. You will not dance until you die. Rather, this piece uses the Zodiac Dancer as a conduit to release this magic to you gradually.
As you bond with the Zodiac Dancer, the magic of the entire Zodiac will be released to you. The Celestial Gates will be opened in your mind, along with the knowledge of thousands of different forms of magic that you will be able to use when and however you want to. Wealth, healing, transcendence, conjuration, summoning, transmogrification, alchemy, hermetic magic, kabbalah magic, Mayan time magic, Stonehenge Portal magic, the prophecies of the Easter Island heads, the magic of the Crystal Skulls, the time magic of the AK Mechanism, the magic of the Dead Sea scrolls, ancient Vedic magic, magic from the Ancient Orient, Runic Magic, and many, many other forms of magic will be revealed to you.
You have to understand that the zodiac contains stars that are the eyes of our galaxy. They see all things and know all things. They create pockets that hold the history of our Earth. When the gates or opened, it all comes pouring in. The zodiac dancer will allow these powers to come to you in a uniform method. If there is something you are seeking, simply communicate that with him and he will search it out and bring it to you. Otherwise, this acquisition of magic and knowledge will go only slowly until the entirety of it has been released to you!