This piece is an adjustable ring.
This piece holds a serpent familiar that is the soul of King Tut's pet snake. King Tut is the famed Boy King, but he was also very advanced for his age and receiving the knowledge of all Pharaohs at a young age, he was so impressionable that the magic grew inside of him before he really knew what was happening It's a shame he died so young. He could've really been so much more powerful than he was.
Anyway, he had a pet serpent that he kept as a staff, similar to Moses' staff. When he wanted to know something he would toss his staff to the floor and it would turn into a serpent that would slither and creep the inside of the pyramid until it found the knowledge that his master was looking for.
When you own this piece, the now spirit serpent will visit the pyramid to retrieve the magic that you ask him for. Anything from celestial energies, to past life regression, to contacting the dead, to full moon spells, to summoning Isis is possible with this piece. To see just how powerful it is you will have to try it for your self.