This piece is a prismatic healing pendant. You can either wear it when you are going about your business during the day or you can hang it somewhere such as your car, your office, your home. It's totally portable and you can take it with you to hang wherever you want it to. This piece is an energetic magnet. As the light hits it, the magnet attracts healing energies and powers from not only our realm but throughout the universe and also realms that exist parallel to our own. This piece doesn't know time and linear existence and will simply collect the energies from hundreds, if not thousands of different directions at once. It will filter these energies and then give them off as ultra-potent healing energies, which you will then exist in.
These healing energies will have many effects. First and foremost it will filter the negative energies and evil from your surrounding area-- your office, your home, school, your car, etc. It will boot out all negatively that would adversely affect your life and cause you harm. It will give you an energy boost. It will cleanse the soul. It will help alleviate mental issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, etc. It will help alleviate any blockages you have with using your items, connecting your items, etc. It will emit an energy that will slowly and graduallycleanse heal your third eye, allow for a full a complete opening of psychic powers and abilities over time.