This antique ring is made with real sterling and amber!! It is a beautiful piece with phenomenal powers.
If you haven't seen it for yourself, I'm sure that you have heard Deedee say it before. There is a prophecy in the Bible that says that the Bear and the Dragon will fall down upon the Eagle. Using current symbolism that would mean that the Bear is Russian. The Dragon is China. Clearly, the Eagle is the symbol of China. Now, we've been monitoring this situation closely, because that's the kind of thing that we do. I bet you didn't know that just a few days ago China and Russia signed a military defense accord or whatever they're calling it. This way they are teamed up against us if things go down.
I'll just cut to the chase here. We received this piece, which used to be a piece that belonged to the Hellfire Club. They made the piece with hidden prophecies that were written in the Glastonbury Scripts. There is a whole history with the scripts themselves and if you desire you can look up that history. I'll just say that one of the predictions that were blatant in the scripts was its prediction of the coming and ending of WWI.
If you take a closer look at the scripts you will see that every single major war is predicted. Okay, so you need a very specific codex and some magic, but these predictions are there. The scary part about this all is that what is also there is the prediction for something that the script refers to as the Final War. Here's the thing. Joe Biden was talking at his rallies about how'd he'd be so tough on China, blah, blah, blah. The Chinese Paramount Leader has said that the Chinese are ready for war. The Beginning of the End is right around the corner, as we've told you. Could this be what we've been waiting for?
Well, that is what we are offering you this piece for. This piece has been created by the Hellfire Club for other members of the Hellfire Club. It holds the entirety of the prophecies of the Glastonbury Scripts. These deal mainly with the Final War that is spoken about within the scripts. However, there are some other revelatory energies that this piece will give you, such as being able to interpret the signs and the meanings in the Bible when reading it. Not only does it do that, but this piece gives you a psychic connection to Daniel. Daniel is the master of prophecy and visions. Not only will he help you interpret the scripts and the Bible, to harvest both of them for the knowledge and magic they possess, but he will give you brand-new visions and dreams that will communicate to you holy visions that will show you things that no human has ever seen before!
In good-old Hellfire Club manner, they have infused this piece with a wealth energy. This wealth will come to you in many different forms, but it will come to you. There is nothing you have to do to gain this wealth other than wear the piece. The directions for connection to the other metaphysical aspects of this piece will be give to you when you make your purchase. We don't want this information falling into the wrong hands, you know. That's also why we will be fully vetting whoever decides to purchase this piece, just to make sure you intentions are wholesome.