This piece has been designed with three different forms of magic. The first form of magic that his piece embodies is love magic. This love magic will manifest your soul mate into your life. It will allow your paths to cross. You could meet them anywhere-- at church, at the grocery, at the bar-- so you've gotta make sure you keep your eyes peeled. The second magic that this piece grants in contingent upon the first and it is wealth in love magic. It will grant your fledgling relationship all the wealth it needs to make sure it doesn't fail. Finances are the number one reason why relationships fail. Use this piece to stay ahead of the curb. Finally, this piece grants health and longevity. Once you find the love, then you get the wealth, you are going to want to enjoy it. This piece will make sure that you are around for a while by keeping you safe from evil, danger, illness, etc.
The piece you get is a ring with a green stone heart.