Most fairies are good, especially when it comes to woodland fairies. They are normally earth loving little hippies who wander about the woods in a haze of ‘shrooms’ or other wondrous botanicals like weed. However the ones we trapped in this gorgeous necklace weren’t. They were in fact being punished for their insanity but the fairy elders. They were going to be sentenced to death but we intervened in time to save them.
Fairies aren’t very tolerate of abnormal behavior. Not like their normal is normal at all but hey who can judge? So these three little bad boys have a wild streak. They were caught riding an moose during a rampage in a small town in Alaska. Whether or not they sparked the rampage they wouldn’t admit. The raging moose bashed up some local shops but managed to get away unharmed. The three woodland fairies in question were Frost, Mouse and Shroom. The Fairy leader claims this isn’t the first time they have been caught using their elemental powers to cause mischief for the nearby human city. Frost can control water and as him name implies can create ice or snow from the smallest drop of water. Mouse is smaller than the other two but can control animals and speak with them fluidly. Shroom can mend plants and the earth, controlling whether things grow or not.
The fairy leader agreed to let us take them if we stripped them of using their own powers. So obviously better than death they chose to come with us. They insisted on staying together and so all three of them have been implanted in this piece. They cannot use any of their powers at their own will, only at the will of the necklaces owner.
This necklace gives the wearer control over water, plants and animals to put it simply. The fairies are at your service and can speak to you in whatever language you speak.